Goulette takes first in Science and Engineering Fair

Goulette takes first in Science and Engineering Fair

WESTFIELD — People are still talking about the Science and Engineering Fair hosted in the Westfield High School gym on Jan. 30. It was hard to not be impressed by the enthusiasm of the future scientist, engineers and artists displaying projects and theses they had spent weeks and months and sometimes several years developing. A total of 214 students participated, 66 from Westfield Technical Academy.

WMA undergoing renovations, chapel set to be dining hall

WMA undergoing renovations, chapel set to be dining hall

WILBRAHAM — Light streams through stained glass windows onto tables of students as they meet and share meals under arched wooden beams. That is the vision for the newest phase of Wilbraham-Monson Academy’s Campus Facilities Master Plan — a dining hall housed in what is now the campus’ chapel, along with a commercial grade kitchen and serving area.