Hatfield names Andrew Levine as new town administrator
HATFIELD — During its regular meeting on Oct. 15, the Hatfield Select Board announced that Andrew Levine will become Hatfield’s new town administrator.
HATFIELD — During its regular meeting on Oct. 15, the Hatfield Select Board announced that Andrew Levine will become Hatfield’s new town administrator.
NORTHAMPTON — The Northampton School Committee has officially joined the City Council in supporting a resolution that seeks more equitable public-school funding across the state.
NORTHAMPTON — The Northampton Bikeway segment of the Mass Central Rail Trail will be closed for reconstruction starting on Oct. 28 for at least 30 days.
NORTHAMPTON — The Northampton City Council voted in favor of two resolutions during its Oct. 17 regular meeting and introduced one that supports a total embargo on U.S. arms to Israel.
NORTHAMPTON — A new animal companion building is officially open at Smith Vocational and Agricultural High school.